Advanced decay system

I suggest to implement more in depth decay system.
This decay will depend on material from building is made. Like for example castle structures will have really slow decay rate (let's say 3 real months).
Also food dacay or quality lower during time (you can add new building (similar like hobbits hole :D ) for storing only food and quality of dacaying food there will be lower). Maybe it's good idea for new suggestion.
Comments (7)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, September 11 2015, 12:16 PM - #Permalink
    i would sugest food decay, for exemple, i have apples, and everybody knows apples get roten in a few days, so, if i gather Q100 apples, it would start decay 5Quality every ingame day, so it would reaches 0 in about 20 ingame days, it would prevent people from storiage high amounts of apples, being necessary to gather almost every day to have high quality apples, same goes for other food types, grain and floor for exemple have low quality decay, grapes have a high quality decay, but can processed into wine that has no decay, compotes with no decay too and so on.
    sorry my bad english.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, September 11 2015, 01:18 PM - #Permalink
    I agree, the decay system needs some balancing.
    Some structures just don't decay that easy. Every kind of stone building should last ingame years not days. I understand that the decay system is necessary to keep the servers clean, but huge things like fortified stone walls and castles should not decay that quick. I could imagine, that some players would like to build something like a chinese wall to seperate parts of the island.
    As for tools: there should be different quality levels (primitive/stone, bronze/copper, iron/steel, vostaskus steel) with different decay rates. And usualy wooden parts get broken a lot easier than metal parts, therefore it should be possible to just renew the handle of a tool.
    And for devices: the get broken way too quick. For example a fireplace. What part of a fireplace can brake? But on my server i can't even use a fireplace longer than one single load of fuel (5 hardwood billets) before it gets broken.
    And we are on the same page with the food decay.. i already suggested that: Spoilage
    And i made a collection of some suggestions, that would increase the realism of the game: More difficult struggle for survival
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, September 13 2015, 08:25 PM - #Permalink
    I have found the decay system very discouraging and unbalanced. A furnace, Forge and Anvil, Tiny shack, or Coop lasting less than 24 real time hours before turning to ruins is really not realistic at all. One would have to spend all of their time making repair kits to keep up with any minimally functioning homestead. Their needs to be an assigned decay variable that an item has that reflects its durability. ITs nearly unplayable at the current decay rates.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, September 13 2015, 08:26 PM - #Permalink
    Th3Kurg4n wrote:

    I have found the decay system very discouraging and unbalanced. A furnace, Forge and Anvil, Tiny shack, or Coop lasting less than 24 real time hours before turning to ruins is really not realistic at all. One would have to spend all of their time making repair kits to keep up with any minimally functioning homestead. There needs to be an assigned decay variable that an item has that reflects its durability. ITs nearly unplayable at the current decay rates.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, October 03 2015, 12:10 PM - #Permalink
    I totally agree with the above

    I also really find it atm annoying when I put/drop things on the ground, to store them for later use in one place and they all vanish at the same time. For example: I mean apples okay, they get eaten by animals/rotting you name it, but flintstones? What happens to them? Are they carried away by scurrels? :D

    Two solutions would be possible: First: Calculating the decayrate individually for each object in the "sack" OR prevent the system to put them together in one sack and calculating for every sack (I dont like the sack as a symbol for "stored" goods at all.... its not logical that 50 flintstones or 50 branches on the ground are symbolized by ONE sack, you would simple stack them for later use).
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, October 03 2015, 01:47 PM - #Permalink
    And something additional, when you "unbuild"/demolish something, there should be an amount of material you get back (small amount of wood, bigger amount of stone etc.), like in former times, when people used ruined castles as stone pits.
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    Thursday, June 06 2024, 11:41 PM - #Permalink
    If you want to advance your college grades make sure to check
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