Hey everyone,
today’s update isn’t a game dev announcement, just proof that we’re alive and doing something to benefit our continued function as a business!
As you all know, we are gearing up for testing to begin so we really wanted to improve the services we have available for the development team. Therefore, we decided to move to a new office, which is better suited for our needs - hence our quietness the past week!
Obviously, just before the MMO testing does seem an odd time to move - and we agree! Unfortunately for us, our plans to change office was moved up on the list when our landlord upped the rent: money we would, of course, rather be putting into our game!
The new location is a big quality of life improvement for the team - especially since we keep them chained to their desks! We also have improved internet and network performance, which will provide a huge bonus during the testing and development phase.
As always, thanks everyone for your patience and continued support!
P.S. We're 99.99% sure that Beta Wave #0 will start next week.