I began my life as a simple peasant with no particular skill. I woke up on the shore of an island and soon found my place in the world with a small tribe that will one day be called the Southern Veil. We become allies with the neighboring town of the Sweetcottons before we are even able to erect a palisade wall. Soon after we gain these close allies we are rode upon by members of a place called Killian's Keep. They tell us that we must pay them a tax of straw. We refuse and militarize ourselves.
Not soon after the taxes are imposed we erect a wall around our small settlement. I become the town blacksmith and I am known as one of the most skilled blacksmiths of the land. We then begin construction of a wooden keep surrounded by stone walls. Once these walls are complete we are invaded by the Huns. They used our wooden walls as cover from the arrows fired from our stone walls and soon created a ladder over our wall and slaughtered us. This was not the end.
We grew larger, gained another close ally known as Ciderwood, and began to raid them back. We first struck Killian's Keep, coming in through a weak point in their wall and killing masses of them, then we come back again and again and we successfully slaughter them every time. Every time we raid the Huns they are never home so we wait and slaughter them every time they attack us or one of our allies.
Now we are a huge militarized force with all of our allies only a moment's notice away from aiding us in combat, and we are the same for them. . . I began as a peasant and am now a warrior. Life is Feudal
10/10 would blacksmith again