More resources, a bit more to do, and potentially more to come since its under active dev. That said it is still under active dev and there are bugs, but they seem to be getting fixed at a decent clip.
If you've played Banished and want an updated take on it this is it.
Notable Differences:
1. Controlling pop growth is a bit more important
2. The game is slower - in a good way. You can't easily blitz out all of the buildings in just a couple years
3. Trade is gone and replaced with an expedition system. If you want more seeds you have to invest a fair amount of resources into finding them. This also keeps the game a bit more dynamic longer.
4. The AI isn't dramatically better, but the first person possession mode allows you to work around hitches by manually controlling your villagers when you need to finish something.
5. Terrain manipulation
6. Currently lacks (as far as I can tell) a town hall-like interface, so it can be hard to gauge how your food production and the like grow overtime relative to your population.