Hey everyone,
Today we have officially closed our first Testing run of the closed beta tests (Wave#1). We want to thank our numerous supporters who struggled through bugs and the occasional crashes in order to provide us with invaluable feedback, allowing us to collect crash data and fix our code!
It will take a good amount of time for us to process all that data, refactor some parts of our code that were not optimal enough, fix bugs and crashes and provide some new gameplay content.
As soon as we are ready for test run #2, we will let you know via email, as well as posting news on our site and social media - so keep an eye out! We are hoping this will happen in the beginning of February.
P.S. We are going to make a backup of the current state of the world, so Closed Beta Testers should not worry about their Monuments decay, farm animals dying of starvation or crops rotting. Next test run will be started from this backup.