Persistent worlds are those that continue existing even after a player has logged out, and maintain varying levels of permanency. MMO games are generally an open world game that enables large multitudes of players to enter and interact with the same online world. So referring to an MMORPG is normally synonymous with an open world MMORPG, making the latter term redundant. But what are the main factors of an open persistent world? These are environment, continuity and multiplayer.
Environment refers to the virtual online worlds available to you in an online RPG game. Open persistent worlds are self explanatory. They feature open worlds that you can travel freely through, also being referred to as a sandbox. Open world exploration has little to no limitations; so starting at one point, you can travel anywhere in that MMO online world. Travelling with companions in a unit is advised in online virtual world games such as Life is Feudal.
Continuity refers to the linear progression of time within open world games for pc. Continuity is the most prominent feature of open persistent worlds, so to get a better idea take two games: Call of Duty and Life is Feudal. For CoD, refer to the start of a match as point A and the end of a match as point B. When the action starts, players begin at point A and progress through until reaching point B. After point B, they loop back to point A to start another game, and this is known as an intermittent timeline.
In contrast, LiF has a continuous timeline. You begin the game at point A, and your goal would be point B. After reaching point B, you continue on to point C and further. If you start the game (point A), and founded a realm (point B) you may then go to war with other realms and conquer them (point C) and whatever else comes after (points D and onward). Continuous timelines feature in all top mmo sandbox games.
A feature that separates LiF from other open world pc games, is that CERTAIN RESOURCES DO NOT RESPAWN. Trees must be replanted and food cultivated. Ore, stone and any mineral will never respawn. This links heavily with a realms protected land; members of the realm which own that protected land are the only ones able to harvest that resource. More info at Orders and realms in online virtual worlds.
Multiplayer refers to multiple players inhabiting the same online RPG game. Multiplayer is the most defining feature of all MMOGs, allowing people to interact and compete online. Interestingly, there are only two forms of player interaction online: co-op and PvP. Co-op (co-operation) is two or more players working together for a common goal. PvP (Player vs Player) is the competition, usually through warfare and combat, between two or more players.
Life is Feudal features a truly realistic medieval persistent world, making it an MMORPG like Mortal Online in some moments. Players are able to form orders, realms and kingdoms to begin conquering their enemies. Any changes you make to LiFs online world will be permanent so terrain and buildings remain standing even if the builder logs off. More info at Best sandbox games: terraforming and free building.
In summary, Life is Feudal enables you to create your own world. Castles, fiefs and monuments are just a few examples. You can erect the seven wonders of the virtual world!
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