Piety is a secondary skill that enables you to give blessings to others. While this is helpful, the other aspect of Piety makes it a game changing skill. There can only be ONE player with level 100 piety, and this player is the Pope! The Pope is able to issue edicts that affect LiFs global politics. The next 10 highest piety players are cardinals. For more info on Piety, visit Medieval MMORPG Life is Feudal: no orcs,no elves and Piety.
Jewelcrafting features the ONLY way in game to increase the luck stat. Other stats are increased by raising skills associated with that stat, but luck has no skills associated with it. To raise luck, you must wear jewelry. Luck gives the greatest benefits to crafters, increasing their (or your!) chances for a successful crafting proc. Crafting is explained at Crafting system of new medieval sandbox MMORPG: Life is Feudal.
Luck also affects combat significantly. LiF does not feature magic, only luck and piety. Luck increases your chances of inflicting wounds and fractures on foes or staggering or knocking down your opponent. More jewelry you wear in battle - more effective you will be. So if you are willing to risk top tier gear it is advised to wear jewelry to be even more combat effective!
Units/formation enable a unit leader to give massive buffs to members of his unit. This is accomplished by the unit leader issuing a formation/battle order, and members of that unit organizing into that formation/battle shape. The buffs granted are quite significant, and are further explained at Strategies and Units in Sandbox MMORPG: Life is Feudal.
Equipment maintain features the only way to repair your equipment between fights if no skilled blacksmith with a forge and resources is available! There are no NPCs that can magically repair your gear for a cost, so know (or be!) a skilled equipment maintainer. It also gives the benefits of being able to recover ammunition and poison weapons.
Drill and Mentoring are quite possibly the most important secondary skills of all. Drill encompasses combat skills, and Mentoring does the same for crafting skills. These skills allow a player to administer schools allowing them to teach others one of their skills, as long as the skill of the teacher is higher than the trainees. Note that both teaching and studying can happen offline, while neither teacher nor students are online! Tips for gaining skill fast can be found at Efficient skill progression: what to know for Life is Feudal.
All crafting skills are listed at Crafting skills in new MMO: Life is Feudal and all combat skills at Combat skills in medieval action MMO: Life is Feudal Minor skills are listed at Skill and stat cap in the MMORPG like Ultima: Life is Feudal as well as explanations for the skill and stat system.
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