Dear players! It is time for you to come forward and make your mark on the world of Life is Feudal! Please, take some time to read the following text and follow its instructions - if you want to contribute to our development in...
14.04.2015 / Comment
We have managed to find and fix a major bug that was affecting several different objects (tanning tubs included) and their states. There have also been multiple other bugfixes a...
10.04.2015 / Comment
Despite being an unknown developer, we have remained true to our word and promises; as you know, so far we had met all Roadmap milestones. We are also working hard to allow...
08.04.2015 / Comment
You requested it and we listened; introducing our first dev vlog which you can see here. This first video was more of an introduction, with frequently requested i...
06.04.2015 / Comment
After thousands of man hours and gallons of coffee we have finally achieved a MAJOR breakthrough in our graphics engine. We are proud to introduce an Improved Graphics Mode...
01.04.2015 / Comment
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