A small group of lumberjacks working deep in the woods were the first victims...
Their mangled corpses were reminiscent of a bear attack; horrible lacerations moulded by claw-like marks, broken bones, shattered skulls - surely no man could inflict such mutilations?
If you happen upon an unusual mound in the forests, resembling an ancient tree stump with it’s great roots unearthed, ensure it’s not moving, because if it is… run. Now is the time to decide how precious your loot really is; you won’t want anything weighing you down. Now is the time to push yourself to your limits and run as fast and far as you can.
Now is the time to be anywhere but here.
...Although, are you not one of those brave madmen who do not tremble at the sight of danger, but rather unsheath their axes and arrows?
Perhaps you should rally your allies - maybe it’s time to check if blood even flows in these forest demons. Before you do, remember to pray to the Sleeper to save your souls.
So if you go out in the woods today, be sure of a big surprise,
If you go out in the woods today, listen for blood-curdling cries
...Hey guys!
Welcome to this week’s dev blog - we hope this fun little bit of lore and new screenshots have peaked your interest. We’re sorry for being a tease, but we are all really excited about what we have planned on the horizon.
We know how you are also really eager to find out what’s happening with the MMO waves - and are especially eager to find out when you can join in - so we’ll be updating you guys on that.
Firstly, if you’re unsure, you can find out when you are eligible to join on [
this page]
We’re pleased to say that nearing the end of Wave #0; it’s been really rewarding and has helped us move forward with fixing any bugs and taking back feedback. We’re expecting to be starting the next wave after we’ve perfected some of the guild mechanics. As you know, the guild system is a huge part of the MMO, so we would like it to work as intended, of course - with some of the more stubborn bugs ironed out - before letting player enjoy Wave#1!
Keep checking back for more information as we’ll keep you posted along the way.
- The Team
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