This idea is not about getting rid of tools, but quite the opposite, i request more tools. But at the same time i would like to have the possibility to leave the tool at the device, where i need it the most. The shortcut 'T' opens your own equippment where you can manage what clothes and tools you have equipped. Exactly this interface could be implemented for any device. For example the Blacksmith's shop has a lot of different possibilities how to use it, smelting, forging tools, forging weapons, forging armors. At the moment you can use smelting with tongs and crucible and forging with blacksmith's hammer. With my idea you could equip both tools on the blacksmith's shop and wouldn't have to equip them on yourself. The tool can still break and you can still replace it with a newer and better version. Imagine it as if you would outfit your shop with all the tools you need to build a nice 'work' environment. It is unrealistic to have a shop like the blacksmith's shop and being forced to take all the specialised tools with you when leaving. At the same time you can implement the idea of soundguy '
more store for buildings' to make it even less tedious to work on those devices.