Please give us the option to build the House without a fence.
Recently, a patch (0.9.4423?) added a fence all the way around the House as a decorative item (see screenshots below). There are at least three problems with this:
- This prevents players from designing towns the way they want. For example, build a stone fence around only the back half of a house or have no fence at all.
- Fences are NOT decorative. Decorative items enhance the looks of a town without adding useful function. Fences provide the useful function of letting players control where people and animals enter and leave a given area.
- The fence can prevent people from entering the house. This can happen because the fence restricts property access to the small opening in front of the door. If people cannot walk over the land in front of this opening (e.g., it's slightly too steep), they will die of starvation (see gifs below.)
Here is a screenshot of the House footprint with the fence that comes with it now:
Here is an old screenshot that shows a House without a fence around it. It's the house on the left. The fences you see are around crop fields;
Here is a gif of a hunter stuck because of the fence:
Here is a gif of the hunter dying of starvation after killing he bear but being unable to get to the meat and leather:
Here is a gif of a builder dying of starvation because the fence prevent him from leaving the property. Notice the building is complete the instant he dies: