As more items and skins for them become available, could we add sheathes to swords? perhaps something that a tailor can craft at the leatherworking bench ? It could either be strictly aesthetic to give more variety and personalization options, or could maybe give a bonus to weapon degrading or something since the blade would be protected when not in use.
I would also like to see axes carry position flipped axe head up when worn on the hip, as though they are in an axe ring on the belt perhaps?
Lastly, on the subject of weapons, could we maybe have some sort of long and/or short seax option, perhaps under the 'footman' or very early 'swordsman' skill tree to use? they were extremely common and more readily available than a sword to the lower classes, and would be a nice addition I feel to the weapon options to bridge the gap between the tiny knives and one handed sword.