Subterfuge... Espionage... Recon. Three examples of information warfare. But what is information warfare? Information warfare is the collection, use and control of information to gain advantages over an enemy. In full loot MMORPG PvP games, knowing where your opponent keeps their most precious items, or the flaws in their defences is valuable information.
Information is more valuable in Life is Feudal than in any other top online MMORPG, as SOME RESOURCES DO NOT RESPAWN. More info on this at Open, persistent virtual 3d worlds and what they entail, but suffice to say some resources are nonrenewable while some are. Information warfare can be sorted into three categories: gathering, denying and propaganda.
Gathering Information suggests acquiring information on your opponent that will be useful. Classic information gathering involves planting agents to spy on your opponent. Spies are able to gather and deny information, as well as spread propaganda. Skilled spies can obtain closely guarded information through acting, extortion and reconnaissance.
Reconnaissance, shortened to recon, involves making and noting observations on an opponent. This is ideally done without the opponents knowledge, from a distance and from a high vantage point. Extortion is gaining leverage over an individual to extract information, or other resources from them. Leverage can be gained through blackmail, physical harm or threats.
Example: When transporting valuable items through virtual worlds online, ALWAYS have a scout. Once upon a time this author’s assets were saved from a large enemy force patrolling the area, because our scout spotted them. He ran back and informed us of the situation, and advised us to hide in nearby. After hiding for fifteen minutes, the scout checked the situation and we proceeded as planned. The assets reached their destination intact.
Denying Information suggests prohibiting your opponent as much information as possible. This can be anything from disrupting enemy logistics to simply remaining concealed. Logistics is the management of resources from the point of origin to the consumer. By disrupting enemy logistics, you deny the enemy resources in the games MMO world. This means your opponent may run out of sustenance, equipment, etc. It is especially effective when executed using covert ops.
Concealment simply refers to denying the enemy knowledge of your presence or location in a multiplayer MMO. Concealment is practically and psychologically damaging for an enemy. Concealment could involve: blending in with the local population, pretending to be someone else or simply just remaining unseen.
The simplest form of concealment is the use of cover. Hiding behind cover immediately breaks an enemy's field of vision, giving you a strategic advantage. This will be especially effective in a free building MMORPG online like Life is Feudal, where you can simply build a wall and hide your city behind it.
Example: A MMO role playing games this author used to play heavily featured group based PvP. Each time my clan mobilized forces to invade enemy territory, they were ready. We assumed spies had infiltrated our clan, so we used an old trick to root them out.
All senior officers told each member of their division a different piece of information, keeping documentation of what they told to which member. When the enemy that utilized information, we discovered who was informing. The spies were removed, and the invasion proceeded successfully.
Disinformation and propaganda is the presentation of false information or partial information to manipulate a target audiences line of thinking. Propaganda and disinformation can be potentially more damaging to an enemy than completely denying information. While gathering and denying information is covertly executed(done in secret); propagating and disinformation is best spread overtly(very obvious). This allows the information to spread more rapidly.
Spreading disinformation and propaganda is quite simple, just place the information where it will be obvious to anyone nearby. Reasons to spread disinformation and propaganda are: feeding information to gain allies, feeding information to impede enemies and propagating information to leave the enemy open to attack.
Example: One of the top mmo games this author used to play featured full loot and player owned organizations. One of my former clan mates said that he had gathered intel of an enemy supply run coming through our territory. We prepared an ambush and lay in wait, only to be ambushed ourselves. It was a trap, it later being revealed the enemy knew of our informant.
Full loot online MMORPGs have stressful moments, and you won’t always be able to use information warfare effectively. But if you control the flow of information in global politics you gain strategic advantage, leading to the riches of your enemies. Obviously, the flow of information is facilitated by LiF’s communication system. These are normal and local chats, and are expanded on at Tools of communication: Life is Feudal’s communication system.
In summary, information is an important factor in a full loot PvP MMO like Life is Feudal. Being able to effectively gather, deny and propagate information will give you a massive PvP advantage over the enemy.
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